Saturday, April 30, 2011

do i need a reason?

definitely replicating this in maui.

you care.
you listen.
your laugh.
your smile.

do i even need a specific reason?

Pretty Princess Puffs:)

so, our parents coming home tonight from their weekend conference in oregon, alyse and i decided to surprise them...

and make...

egg whites, sugar, vanilla, some whipping power, and lovely green food coloring.

we're definitely getting somewhere.

supposedly going to look like this at the completion stage.

we'll see how it goes.
all the while blaring jimmy eat world, of course.

which excites us, to be honest.

although alyse does indeed take her job(dream job, actually. baker, cupcake shop owner, all the goods)quite seriously.

she loves it. :)

like i said, we'll see how it goes. ill let y'all know how they turn out...our lovely PRETTY PRINCESS PUFFS!! :D

ill let you know whether the recipe is worth sharing. :)

i love sweets. i love alyse. i love jimmy eat world. i love saturday nights. i love no algebra homework.


sometimes fantasy is better than reality

Last night we had some really good friends over to play Black Ops and talk and go crazy(something we hadn't done in quite a long time). We had one friend, her sister and her sister's fiance. They're all amazing. Simple as that. :)

Once our friend and her fiance left, Alyse and I and our other friend watched the by far AMAZING movie, Cinderella Story starring Hilary Duff.

I swear, I've seen this movie at least 100 times, but it doesn't make a difference.
We quoted practically the whole thing, mostly quotes from the ridiculous step mother(played by Jennifer Coolidge)...goodness. (:

Anyways, the tracks in there are all nothing short of amazing.
Along with "fantasy" and "reality" quotes, including;

"Sometimes fantasy is better than reality."

Which is true, unfortunately.

One of my friends posted this quote a couple days ago(not sure where she found it...), and I found it quite necessary to add into this:

"It is very tempting to pretend. Yet it is of the utmost importance that you keep yourself in reality. Although by no means an easy task, it is by all means a necessary one."

It's true. It's even worse when you feel as if you're living a fairytale, and you just go along with it, but you know have to get out.

I'll leave things at that until I can further elaborate...if I ever can.

Like I said, the album is AMAZING!
Last night after watching the movie, we were talking to our friend about how we've been searching for one of the songs in the movie that was not included in the album. No info, no nothing. We google/bing/wiki'd it for years, and finally gave up looking for it.

She had the SMARTEST idea to go through the credits where they say all the songs(which we'd already done, but obviously missed them all down, and youtube them to find it.

2nd song via youtube-bingo. (:

I cannot express the excitement of our house at 2 in the morning. CRAZINESS! :D
Anyways, we were happy. We played the song at least 10 times last night and all day today- throughout our house and loud enough to hear from the backyard where we were hanging out. (:

So here's some of my favorites from the album, #1 being the one we were searching for....:)

Hear You Me- Jimmy Eat World
Anywhere But Here- Hilary Duff
To Make You Feel My Love- Josh Kelley
Friend- Kaitlyn
I'll Be- Edwin McCain

Charming movie, to say in the least.
Reality? Not quite. Psh. I wish.

Hope y'all are enjoying your weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


im feeling impeccably odd. and i can't quite describe the feeling.
well...i guess i could... in a series of events, situations and circumstances, of course...


The Story Of Us- Taylor Swift
You and Me- Lifehouse
You Got Me- Colbie Caillat
I'll Be- Edwin McCain
Fearless- Taylor Swift

i guess i'll leave things at that.


5 WEEKS!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6 Weeks!

im ready for summer.

and to drink iced tea or lemonade out of mason still up for that, ren?

and tons of other lovely events and days of doing nothing.

but i could easily tolerate this.

6 weeks.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Be Changed.

Never let Him see you when you're breaking
And never let Him see you when you fall
That's how we live
And that's how we try

Tell the world you've got it all together
And never let him see what's underneath
We cover it up with a crooked smile
But it only lasts for a little while

There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God, yeah

Suddenly it's like a weight is lifted
When you hear the words that you are loved
He knows where you are and where you've been
And you never have to go there again, no

There's no such thing as perfect people
And there's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God

Who lived and died to give new life
To heal our imperfections
So look up and see love
And let grace be enough, oh

There's no such thing as perfect people, yeah
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scarred
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God

Perfect People: Natalie Grant

...just breathe.

Breathe(2 AM)- Anna Nalick
You Got Me- Colbie Caillat
Love Song for a Savior- Jars of Clay
Unstoppable- Rascal Flatts
Deeper- Delirious
Half of My Heart- John Mayer
Gone- Switchfoot
Ours- Taylor Swift


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Clock Reversal? Negatory.

So yes, it's Easter! Happy Easter!
My brother and I had a very interesting conversation this morning during the Easter service of why we say "Happy Easter" and not "He has Risen" or "EASTER!" or "Merry Easter" or all these other insane ideas we thought of as we sat with our stomachs filled with a lovely brunch served by the church and the excitement of...well, something. I'm not quite sure what.

Anyways, I know today's Easter and I already posted today(well, like 20 minutes-ish ago, actually), but since this week should be ridiculously more busy than the last couple weeks have been(if that's even POSSIBLE...goodness) and I haven't legitimately posted about...well, me, lately...I thought I may as well post now, a time that I have free. For those of you that I'm not lucky enough to see enough but I wish that I could.
You know who you are.

No school tomorrow. Because apparently our school honors "Easter Monday" as a holiday. HA. Psh, I'm not complaining. I'll take it. (:
A break. A day to sleep in. Relaxation. We'll see how it goes.

Tomorrow brings...I'm not quite sure what.
Alyse has a dentist appointment at noon that she's freaking out about that I may or may not go along on. Later tomorrow night a potluck involving everyone in the Bible Study that me and a friend have been babysitting the member's kids for every Monday night for the past couple months. Which signifies the closing of Monday nights watching children, drinking way to much tea, and blaring Switchfoot. I'm happy to have a break, but missing out on the tea and Switchfoot...not so much.

So that should be fun. It'll signify the end of this long, interesting, confusing weekend. Which is another story.
Thus launching me into another week of days blending together and days passing by quickly and yet as slow as ever.

I'm not sure what else this week will bring. Schoolwork, no doubt, along with working on a large project for Lit and more on Perspectives. Besides practice! Yay!

Alyse took(and I who have the magic of facebook)a picture of my lovely Snow White costume in all it's glory. It's quite fabulous, actually, and the large yellow skirt portion makes me feel like a princess. But for those of you who don't have the magic of facebook(cough...Reney...cough...Jill...cough) here's a lovely little picture that my sissy took after forcing me into the thing. (:

Cheesy? Yes...fabulous? Oh, YES! I love it. I love love love it. It shall be magnificent, although before the performance I shall probably get a large case of the butterflies like I normally do, it shall be lovely and fun and amazing.
I'll remind those of you who are interested in me singing opera and looking like a giant yellow traffic cone...
May 16th. 6:30pm. MVCHS Commons. Yay. (:

Along with that...this week should bring(and pass) another week before summer. YES. I believe after this week it will be...5 weeks? 6? Not sure. I know Reney has a countdown and I get out pretty close to you, Ren, so I'm not sure what number of weeks you're at. But it's soon. (:

If we're rounding off the days...we have roughly 1 and 1/2 months left of school.

I'm SO excited. This summer will bring so much along with the fall.

It's like I've reached that point in my life where I'm ready to turn the page, to start a new chapter.

I like change. Sometimes. I guess that's how it is with everything, but sometimes I like change. This would definitely qualify. After a while of the same thing, you're ready for something new and hopefully exciting, yes?

I'm ready to be done with 8th grade, I'm ready for summer, everything that comes with summer, and furthermore, freshman year.

I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm terrified.
Mixed emotions, honestly.

But it'll be great. I know it.

If I never had to face anything new, what would I be?
Ha. I'd still be a toddler, no doubt. I wouldn't be walking, I'd still be in diapers, I probably wouldn't be able to talk(which would be tragic, I agree).
You get the picture. If you don't ever try(or are forced into, rather) something new, you'd be right where you started. Which would be... kinda of tragic, actually.

I often think about what it would be like if I could flip the hour glass of life upside down an reverse the clock, click the rewind button. Yeah, there are totally instances where I wish I could, and I know for a fact that some of you wish the same thing. In fact, I've heard it from many of your own mouths.

But think about this. If I did reverse the clock before middle school, before elementary, or before some horrid instances that took place in one of those years, I would miss so. much.

I wouldn't know and love half of you, I probably never would, I wouldn't have learned or went through the hard lessons that are practically necessary for life...
I wouldn't have grown. I would be right back to where I started.

And that's why I praise God for where I am. What I have. Who I have and know and love. Who I AM.

Because I know although at the moment it may be hard and ridiculous, it's for my good(Romans 8:28. One of my favorites).

I'm blessed. Enormously.
And I know that it's been really difficult seeing that in the last weeks that make up April...but it's times like tonight where I see a clearing through this storm.

I like where I am. I like where I'm going.
At times I won't(obviously), but...I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
Why worry about tomorrow? Today has enough trouble of it's own.


Rising He Justified

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing
My Savior, Jesus, is mine

Oh, glorious day
(Glorious Day:Casting Crowns)

My Savior Lives!

Happy Easter. <3

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Day That True Love Died

"So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.
Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.”

Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”

~John 19: 16-22

So yeah, it isn't any big surprise that of all days, I would definitely post today. On the topic of Jesus' death, and hopefully(sometime next week) Resurrection.

Good Friday.
Why do they call it good? Well, that's an obvious answer.
It's hard, honestly.
It's hard to know whether to be happy or sad today.

Unfortunately, I found today more weird as the day progressed.
Instead of focusing on the pain that my Savior suffered for me years ago so I that I could live, I just couldn't seem to stop focusing on my pain. Which is ridiculous and selfish.

The past few weeks have been hard and exhausting and confusing. The day I think I conquer these dark feelings, the next day it's right back there fighting them. Everyday is a battle, and it feels like every day I'm struggling to breathe.

Today(as every year) our family stays off electronics.
For the whole Good Friday we stay off computer, TV, anything BUT music.
So we can focus on what we should be focusing on.
And yet, it was still difficult.

We had a half day at school including a Good Friday/Easter Chapel. So that leaves...10 hours left in my day? At this point more because we're all staying up until 1 or 2(goodness) in order to get Nathan home from his DC trip which he returns from at that ridiculous hour.

So this leaves 10+ hours left.
Each of our family members had their own quiet times, so it wasn't as if we were all talking and hanging around with another. I finished my JV early only to go play outside with Alyse for an hour or so(barefoot-YES) in the warm lovely day.

I had somewhat of a quiet time with tea, Chris Rice&Phil Wickham in the background.
At 7 we attended our church's Good Friday service which consisted of Bible readings, choir songs, congregational singing, and communion.

My main plea in communion?
"Lord, help me to focus on YOU. You alone. Not my suffering, not my struggles...but Your suffering that made me alive and free."

I'll be honest, it was hard. Throughout the service I was longing for the spirit to soften my heart and to open my eyes to I'm not sure. I just felt like I was putting up walls like I had been doing since last November. Like, literally. I felt myself putting walls in between me and God...knowing He was there, knowing that I needed Him. But not acknowledging or doing anything about it. Almost like I didn't want to.

And after the pastor prayed during communion that God would soften our hearts and not make us ignore or be indifferent from what God has to show us...that was the deal breaker. Message from God, straight on.

Anyways, today was tough. Weird. And I'm hoping tomorrow will be different. But it was also weird because I had no clue whether to be happy or sad.

Happy that Christ took my place nailed to the cross so that I can live forever with Him! Because Jesus died for me, I have this amazing assurance that cannot be lost.
And on the sad side(obviously) of focusing on what He went
So that was difficult. I finally decided to focus on the Good Friday portion of this weekend vs the Resurrection portion, it being Good Friday and all...makes sense.

During this past week in Bible class we've been talking about doubt, faith, and familiar things.

You ever think about that while hearing the same things over and over again, the more familiar they get, and the less extraordinary you make them?

Picture this: the first time you try pineapple. Goodness, it's already making my mouth water! So the first time you try it, you fall in love with it, think it's the most lovely thing you've ever tasted, etc. But the more and more you taste it, after the...hundredth time or so you've had it, you may or may not think it's that extraordinary as you did the first time you tried it(most likely you WOULDN'T think it was).

Although that's a very poor analogy, it can be the same with the stories in the Bible.

The more we hear about Jesus dying and raising from the dead, the more familiar it becomes to us, and the less extraordinary it becomes. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing! You may think it still is as amazing as you did the first time you heard it, but you grew up hearing it along with the story about Noah and the Ark.
It's not that big of a deal anymore.
Which is ridiculous, because it IS!

At times...I think Christians are at some sort of a disadvantage because we know all these stories. We're familiar with them, we know where they're located in the Bible, etc. Compared to a first time believer hearing that someone DIED for them...took the blame for all their sins + the world's, got rejected by the world, made fun of, made the outsider...and on top of that hung on a cross all so that you can live eternally with Him? But the story doesn't stop there. After 3 days He rose from the dead and later ascended into heaven.

I'm thinking that would be so much more amazing the first time(if you believed it, of course)you heard it vs. the hundredth like you and me.

That's my goal this Easter weekend.
To look at the story of Jesus dying and rising in a different that will make it just as extraordinary as it is and as I thought it was the first time I heard it.

Come close listen to the story
About a love more faithful than the morning
The Father gave His only Son just to save us

The earth was shaking in the dark
All creation felt the Fathers Broken Heart
Tears were filling Heaven's Eyes
The day that True Love died, the day that True Love died
When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died

Search your heart you know you can't deny it
Come on, lose your life just so you can find it
The Father gave His only Son just to save us

The Earth was shaking in the dark
All creation felt The Fathers broken heart
Tears were filling Heaven's Eyes
The day that True Love died, the day that True Love died
Find More lyrics at
When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died

Now, Jesus is alive

Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Oh, He is alive
He rose again

When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died

True Love: Phil Wickham
::insert goosebumps::


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Happy 25th post!
Goodness. That went fast.
I feel like I should be popping a bottle of cider or something of the sort. Hmm.

And again, I think of summer...
I think I'll throw some sort of photoshoot/music video/movie/game/craziness bash party type thing at my house when it's all sunny and warm and lovely...


Not for the whole "25th" thing, of course. Because that would just be silly, and as I post this amazing idea of mine I just happened to notice the whole "25th" thing. Ha. (:

For all my lovelies, consider yourselves invited. Think of ideas that you'd like to see take form as well. (:


sisters do indeed come in handy.

regarding yesterday afternoon, alyse and i definitely decided to get off our lazy behinds and do something productive with our day.

and as i said before, we definitely hadn't done much in the previous 5 hours.

(alyse has GORGEOUS eyes)
but as time progressed...

we decided to do something a bit more fun.

and hour before we had tried to do a photoshoot, but it was an epic fail.
so we waited for energy, to be fed, and for the sun to catch just right...

and tried again.

alyse. is beautiful. dazzling. fabulous. simple as that.

enjoy. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

mother knows best.

mother insists we get off our lazy butts and go do something.
well, not in those exact words...i may have added my own twang to them....

but she does. because for the past 5 hours Alyse and I have...

-watched TV.
-watched a portion of Spider Man 3(which made her freak a little).
-looked up the plot for "The Black Swan" for various reasons(which freaked her out MORE).
-went outside for roughly 25 minutes while the sun was out for somewhat of an uncooperative photoshoot on her part...goodness.
-webkinz(her...oh dear).
-eat cake(the BEST).
-tea. only one cup today. (me...obviously.)
-and now revising a paper for school due monday/blogging/facebook/pandora.

so...yes. mother knows best. i should be doing something. but im not. because i fear that if i don't make weekends lazy, i shall have absolutely 0 reward for my busy and reckless week.

still. i should be doing something instead of all those useless things...

ps. im still in my pjs. which apparently is a crime in this house, CALL THE COPS!


here's to all you dreamers, you hairbrush singers, you firefly catchers.
glad to know there's more than 2 of us in this crazy thing called life. :)

hairbrush singer...that's me. (:

Hello you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, dashboard drummers
Hello you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

I stood at the bottom of some walls I thought I couldn't climb
I felt like Cinderella at the ball just running out of time
So I know how it feels to be afraid
Think that it's all gonna slip away
Hold on, hold on

Here's to you free souls, you firefly chasers
Tree climbers, porch swingers, air guitar players
Here's to you fearless dancers, shaking walls in your bedrooms

There's a lot of wonder left inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

Never let a bad day be enough
To go and talk you in to giving up
Sometimes everybody feels like you
Oh, feels like you, just like you

I've met some go-getters
Some difference makers
Small town heroes, and big chance takers
I've met some young hearts with something to prove
Oh, yeah

Here's to you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, and dashboard drummers
Here's to you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

"Crazy Dreams" -Carrie Underwood. Love, love, LOVE!

What would I do without Pandora...

“People so seldom say I love you, and then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, it doesn't mean I know you'll never go... only that I wish you didn't have to.”

“I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I'm with you.” ~Roy Croft


Friday, April 15, 2011

"If I lose my life, I'll find my soul..."

I've been holding on so tight
Look at these knuckles
They've gone white
I'm fighting for who I wanna be
I'm just trying to find security

But You say let it go, You say let it go
You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control
You say you will be, everything I need
You said if I lose my life it's then I'll find my soul
You say let it go.

Well it's hard enough to hear
Harder still, to move beyond this fear
We know there's nothing I can bring,
So tell me what do you want from me?

But You say let it go, You say let it go
You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control
You say You will be, everything I need
You said if I lose my life it's then I'll find my soul
You say let it go, You say let it go

What do I love?
What do I hate?
What will I lose?
What will I gain?
How do I save my soul?
What if I bend?
What if I break?
What will it cost?
What will it take?
For you to save my soul.

You say let it go, You say let it go
You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control
You say You will be, everything I need
You said if I lose my life it's then I'll find my soul

You say let it go, You say let it go
You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control
You say you will be, everything I need
You said if I lose my life it's then I'll find my soul
You say let it go, You say let it go

Matthew 16:25
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Let it Go: Tenth Avenue North

Signore, ti amo ... aiutami a lasciare andare. Lascia andare tutto per voi, darvi il controllo. Non sarò in grado di trovare una cosa senza lasciar andare.

What do you do when you can't let go? When you're hurting? When you're fighting what will actually HELP you?!


Friday. Sunshine. Standing. Finally.

Friday. Yay. (:

Today made me consider how fast this first week back from spring break went...goodness. SO fast. Like, almost overwhelmingly fast, but border line...

So as I sit here and blare our beloved Taylor Swift in the background, my mind floats back to this interesting week.

Monday started a new quarter. The last quarter, to be exact, till SUMMER! YAY! Which hopefully will go just as fast as 1st-3rd quarter. Yes, that would be nice...Monday was also the first day of PE, since we rotate from art/PE each quarter. And in case any of you haven't noticed, I'm not the most coordinated person in the entire world, and I like art. It fascinates me...along with singing and writing... it seems like an escape from the world for me. So it totally bummed me out when I realized that art is completely over for my 8th grade year. Gah. But I will have opportunities freshman year and so on to take several fine art credit classes such as choir, Allaude, photography, art, creative writing, etc. So that should be fun.

And apparently only 2 years of PE are required for all 4 years of high school...score 1 for me. (:

Tuesday was as boring as Thursday, but we had that was good. Along with Wednesday, which the only highlight is photography last period which is instructed by our elementary/middle school principal(who is AWESOME and hilarious and everything you would think a principal would NOT be) who pretty much drives us wherever we wish and buys us all coffee in the process. Nice. (: 2 of my most favorite things in a lovely 50 minute period...yeah. I could get used to that. This Wednesday we gallivanted throughout downtown Mt. Vernon and next week we get to go to the tulips. YESSS.

What I laugh about practically every time I'm in a certain class is that the teacher never moves me, and when she does, she just puts me by someone else that I'd talk to. Goodness. You'd think she would see a pattern, and I'm guessing she somewhat does considering she's put me in the second row from the front- but smack dab in between 2 guys that cause us to talk non stop. Throw papers. Think everything happens to be funny because we're not allowed to talk...yeah. That whole thing. So you'd think she'd move/yell at us...but no. Ha. I think it frustrates her that wherever she puts me, I'll end up finding someone to talk/goof around with. But of course, there's a time and a place...and that place just happens to be history class.


The end of Wednesday night brought AWANA which is only adding more stress to my ridiculous schedule of stressfulness. Yeah. I'm still massively behind, and due to me planning on ditching next week...not sure what I'm gonna do. Lets just say I'm glad this year is my last. But hey, I got to catch up with a few people that I hadn't talked to for a couple weeks straight. Which was awesome. More on that later...maybe. We'll see...

Thursday was the same. Already blogged about that. Ha. Me and chapel leader being easily entertained by the way the microphone case opens and closes...all spy-like, super legit clasp and all. Goodness. Being told I have a natural gift/talent of singing and leading praise and worship...Chapel leader and piano player...way to sweet.

Today! Yay! Friday!
This left all the students in my PE class staring at the clock(which was ticking WAY. TOO. SLOW.) every 3 minutes, and thanking God 10,000x over for the fact that we get a 3 day break from this basketball unit. Usually I can tolerate things...this is not one of them.

I got to drink the rest of my teacher's coffee(which, if you know her, wasn't weird at all) because Starbucks apparently put an extra shot into her peppermint mocha, which she detested. I'm not all that picky with coffee, as long as it's not black and bitter and full of evil(another memorable quote from..."someone.")
Which ended up being the highlight of my study hall along with making dance moves for adding, subtracting, division and multiplication(she's also our algebra teacher). Yeah, we're weird. And frankly, we were bored. Very. Very. Bored.

Play practice again today..and we got our costumes. Ha. Which included a time of laughing till we cry when we saw mine. "WE" meaning all my lovely classmates. Mine was the only one that she let us take home, so I get to try it on and see how it looks. High collar and red bow in all. Lovely. I love it because it has a huge fluffy yellow dress that makes me feel like a princess. (:

Either that, or I'm easily entertained. Yeah...

So now I sit with my sister in the other room catching some Disney Channel Movie "Lemonade Mouth" and wishing she could go see "Prom" in theaters(which makes me laugh. Ha. HA. Oh, Alyse...), Mom and Nathan on their way to school to drop Nathan off to later drive to the airport to catch his and his close up group's 11pm flight to DC. Which is sad, because I like Nathan very much. The next week will be weird being the only one to keep up the sarcastic comments and random events going along in this household...and coaching Alyse to do so. Ha. (:

Alyse is almost back to normal. Just noticed I hadn't talked about her for a while. She doesn't look practically dead anymore, and her pneumonia should be completely gone in the next week or so-thus presenting her with the opportunity to start playing her clarinet again and run around without nearly passing out. So that recent scare has passed...that was interesting. And scary. But it's done. And I'm glad. (:

Here's to Friday. Here's to the fact that I wore capris and sandals today even though it ended up's the the sunshine in the morning, at least. Here's to acting crazy just for the heck of it.
And here's to...standing. Finally.


Thursday, April 14, 2011


So for once in my life...well, not exactly ONCE in my life, but for almost once in my life I'm at loss for words.

Yeah, I can usually incorporate a sarcastic comment to my siblings, an Australian accent with my friends or an easily sung song lyric around campus...but considering everything around me...yeah, I'm at loss for words because of everything going on lately. CRAZINESS!

Hence the title.

Since I've been blogging lately about things going on in my head(which is FAR more than I blog about, mind you), I thought I would blog about what's going on lately outside of my head. Everyday.
A day in Lauren's fast spinning world, if you will.

Thursday's are boring. Really, they are. The only real exciting thing about Thursdays is the excitement that tomorrow's Friday, I get to sing more than I usually do today, and...yeah. That's about it, unfortunately.

I get up at 6:20ish to take a shower because I'm too lazy/tired/to much stuff on my mind to take one the night before. Awesome.

Go to school...obviously. Which consists of many interesting subjects that are overwhelming me at the moment, and cause me to wish that the next 8 weeks would totally evaporate and we could skip to summer. Immediately.

The only class period I love besides choir which takes place at the end of the day is play practice, 5th period.

Some smart kid in our class decided to talk to his mother(homeschooler's group musical director) and throw out the idea of our class doing a musical. Awesome. Like, a legitimate, required, extra class musical...cheesy dance moves in all. Yup.

So aside from the longing to sing, I'm there for the grade. But as we go along and this is...what? It's been like 2 months or something. Anyways, as we progress in this class, it's getting fun. Parts were pre-assigned due to singing/acting experience and pure personality. There are 11 main parts, the rest are "audience members." In case you people who love details are wondering, the play is "The Ever After"- a cheesy talk show with fairytale characters reconciling with their greatest enemies...hence half of the 8th grade class are audience members who get to sing/dance along with the songs and sit up on stage and act interested, and the other half have some type of part, 11 with main parts.

I was pre-assigned...Snow White.

{Insert scoffing laughter}

Ok. I'm glad. (:
Because yeah, that's exactly what I thought when I was given a part that included bright red lipstick, a high collar legit Snow White dress, and some solos with some petty high notes to hit. Lovely. Great. Grand. Fabulous.

But like I said, the farther we get along, it gets better. It's more fun every day we have practice(which is everyday, 5th period).

So that should be lovely. For all of you that are somewhat interested and would love to come on over to our lovely school with a camera/camcorder to further scoff...
May 16th. 6:30 PM. I believe this is a...Thursday night? Not sure. I'm far to lazy to pull up yet another tab to add to this, my facebook, email, youtube, etc...
So yeah. Come. Laugh. Enjoy. (:

So aside from that...choir is the only class I look forward to on Thursdays. Which is a lovely 45-50 minutes of doing what I love.

Allaude tryouts...May. Not sure how I feel about that yet...mixed feelings, no decision yet. We'll see what happens.

Hmm...the next 8 weeks(YES) before summer are going to be drastic. Interesting. Overwhelming, if you will. It'll be interesting. It'll be scary. It'll be...somewhat intimidating. It's kinda like you're given a certain time period where you have to learn who you are, where you belong, to...grow up. Which is the message our teachers are so brutally putting on us, complete with massive and accumulative tests/exams "preparing" us for freshman year.

Not sure how I feel about that either.
To be honest, I don't want to grow up one bit.
But I don't have a choice, so why not make the best of it.
Besides, I've heard life is awesome. And I've pretty much hit the point where I'm ready for summer, and then to launch myself into a whole new life/experience this fall. Goodness.

I guess that wasn't really "A day in the life of" because that wasn't a day. Hmm.
Well, more to come eventually.

In other news, my basketball skills are simply hideous...which makes me want to murder PE class all the more. GAH.
But on the bright side...hmm...
Hey, it's Friday tomorrow! :D All I got. Sorry.

Still working on standing...things are progressing, shining brighter...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Then You Stand...

"Stand" by Rascal Flatts, without exaggeration, has amazingly described this past week in 3 minutes and 29 seconds. It's crazy that just this afternoon this song popped up on my Pandora and totally stuck. Hence I've listened to it at least 8 times this afternoon, and am listening to it as I write this. (:

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you Stand

Could it get any closer?

These past few days, this last week of spring break...have been interesting, incredible, hurting, hard, difficult...but a blessing. I was reminded on Tuesday and Friday that I have the most amazing friends in the world. That don't seem to care if I drone on and on at 1 in the morning about my problems, or have to wait until I'm ready to talk to them.

I am so blessed. SO blessed.

And to think that I've so many times been sucked into the mindset of, "I have no one I can trust, no one I can talk to. I'm alone. This sucks."
This is crazy. I love how just this last summer-fall-winter, the people that I "ran into" by coincidence or just pure fate ended up being some of the most incredible people I've ever met. It's crazy. But I love it. (: And you guys help. A lot. More than you know, more than I can ever thank you.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Friends help. Friends break down barriers that hold in all those dark feelings and shadows that have been taking me over this past few weeks. It's as if God knew exactly what I needed to hear, experience, and encounter so that I could finally let things go and stop bottling up everything.
It's a conscious choice to be happy, or to live miserably.

Things are not back to normal. No, like I said to a friend, I'm not standing yet.
I'm still on my knees, working on getting up.

This time is a blessing. It's teaching me HOW to stand, HOW to encounter and defeat these shadows, HOW to let things out to my friends instead of holding it in all the time. So, in essence...this time is a blessing.

It's the time when you "taste what you're made of." Realize that being a Christian is NOT easy, and that you're definitely going to go through times where it seems like there's no way out. You might bend till you break, think it's all you can take.'s where you're on your knees, begging God to notice you, when you start realizing that He's right over you the whole time- keeping you from falling any farther, or falling in the first place.

"God is a like a seat belt. You might slip, but He'll never let you fall."~M.L.

And like everything else you hear, it's making me stronger. Some how. I don't see the big picture yet, I still don't get what's going on. This will help me help others that need help or encouragement, because it's so much easier to help people out when you understand from experience.

I used to be surprised when people understood what I was going through. I was shocked, actually, when someone pretty much understood close to everything last November. But it was because I expected no one to understand and was so used to people NOT understanding and not even caring...that I didn't open up to anyone, shut myself down, and just didn't say anything.
And it's because I didn't expect anyone to understand that I was so shocked when someone came along out of the blue, and actually did.

Every once in a while, you run into those people that might even understand a situation you're going through better than you. Which is weird, may freak you out, and may cause you to thank God for them all the more.
Which in this case, BINGO.'s getting there.
It's where you decide you've had enough, scream to God for help, and He pulls off the ground-maybe not completely- before you fall any further.

I'm on my knees. Working on standing.

And that day, when I escape these shadows, will be incredible. And even though I know that I'll stumble again, be surrounded by shadows... why spend more time on the ground when there's so much that you could be fighting for while standing up?

"Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken."
~Psalm 55:22

All my lovelies...yup, you're still beautiful. :)
And I hope you'll stay that way. Thanks for being there for me when I really need it, and even when I DON'T think I need it, but you see it anyways.

And if you ever need know where to find me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

that breath you just took...

As you grow older, you tend to take more and more for granted.

Well, I guess even when you're little you tend to unconsciously take everything for granted. The protection of your parents, the stability of the highchair you're sitting in, and hold of your car seat. You just assume whatever you have is there, will work, will hold you, will protect you, and that it always will.

The breath you just took, the math homework that you're procrastinating on(which yes, is actually teaching you something! who knew, right?), your sister that's sitting in the other room, your dad who's at work across town.
The ability to pray to a God that will actually listen to your cries of pain, and your friends who seem to care so much about you, especially in a time like this.

We take things for granted. Things that we ought not because of the love that God pours out on us, the blessings He gives! We deserve nothing that He gives us. We deserve nothing at all apart from complete separation from God. Which yes, makes me stop and think some more and honestly scares me.

A friend that I have got into the habit of emailing recently just sent me an email that made me stop and think about all I have and how much I take for granted everything I have.

This friend of mine is a part of a swim team, and she loves it. She swims all the time, has practice 3 or 4 times a week, competitions on weekends, the whole shabang. And she loves it. The only thing she hates about swimming? Her asthma.

I had no clue she had this condition until she emailed me about the previous day during practice when she had an asthma attack. She told me how she felt, and how people make comments toward her about her slacking off.

Her coach once said, "You wouldn't run too fast either if you only had a quarter of the air you're suppose to have running through your body." Which made the people who commented stop dead in what they were saying.

She also told me how blessed she feels to HAVE asthma, and how the situation of her asthma has caused her to draw nearer to God.
To trust Him, literally, for every single breath she inhales and exhales.

Can you imagine?! Not knowing what the next hour, the next moment, the next second would bring. You could immediately become deprived of air at that second, not know what to do, your lungs screaming "Breathe!" over and over when you can't do such a thing.

She literally has to trust God for every single breath she takes.

Along with taking things for granted, we often have trouble trusting God with everything we have. We think we know all the answers, we think we know what's good for us and how to handle a situation better, so we isolate ourselves off from everyone and everything that's trying to help us- including God.

Last year I had the opportunity to join a girls bible study filled with 7th grade girls for an extra class offered in the middle school. I think there was only 4 or 5 of us and personally I like smaller groups better, so I loved it. It gave us more of an open feeling than to have a group of 10 or 15 watching and listening and monitoring every single thing you said.

Anyways, while the topic of trust is burning through my mind these past few to trust God in any situation, especially the one I'm going through right now, a part of the book we went through by Max Lucado jumped in my mind and caused me to pull the book out again and go through that chapter regarding trust.

"You trust the work of a light switch, so you flip it. You have faith that the doorknob you're about to turn will work, so you turn it.
You regularly trust power you cannot see to do a work that you cannot accomplish.
God invites you to do the very same thing with Him."

God, help me to trust You like that. I know that isolating everyone off isn't helping me. And although I'm not in a situation of life or death, I feel like I am.

It seems to be a bit more sunny today in more ways than one.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

never fear the shadows-light will come

So although I will never in a million years take back what I wrote last night, once again I have a new perspective on everything.

Not in the way that BAM! After a course of crying out to God all night long, barely sleeping because I couldn't turn my brain off, or isolating myself could change the things that I'm still holding to, and after that I'm all good now. Because I'm not. I'm just hoping to shed some type of light on the situation that seemed so dark last night.

If I haven't replied to some of your emails, I'm not ready to yet. If I still haven't told you guys how I'm really feeling, I'm not ready. It's a process. One God is slowly bringing me through in order to show me that I need to trust Him fully, or else I have absolutely nothing to hold on to. Why? Because everything else will fall.

At friends will fail to see what's the matter or care what's going on, my family will fight, my friends at school will no longer find me necessary for a friendship, and my world will crash down because I've lived to think that those are the things that truly matter in my world.

But they aren't. That's the thing.

"Never fear shadows. That always means there's a light shining somewhere."
-Jonathan Santos

Although now is a struggling time, although now I can't see the light in the tunnel, although now is the first time EVER that I'm having trouble doing something I love- writing... God will not move. The things I listed above will never alter the amazing love God has for me, will never change how forgiving He is of me when I let my emotions take over along with the dark shadows that are starting to take over as well.

It's as if He's the last strand that I'm holding on to. Because He is.

I've told a couple of you recently or at least sometime that I often find things easier to understand in similes. If I can find something to compare my situation or my feelings with, I can somewhat grasp what I'm going through or somewhat explain to others what I'm feeling. Otherwise, it's always been hard.

It may always be hard for me to talk to people in person about these things...but it might not. I can't see what's going to take shape from this or after this, but something big is coming.

I've also told some of you that I'm prone to look through the perspective of that this situation is only a little grain of sand compared to my life, compared to everything.

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." -James 4:14

A couple of posts ago I was feeling amazing, and I posted that I felt as if something big was coming for me, and that none of you should give up hope in a situation. Well...this IS the big thing, I fear. Although in that moment I thought that big thing was going to be something GOOD, it turned out to be this.

But don't get me wrong...somehow, through this, it's good for me. God is causing all this to happen so that I can grow and further His kingdom further, and maybe also help me explain to you all how much I care about you and how much I wish that I could say these things that have been bottled up for years to you-personally.

It may never happen, but it might. And I know it frustrates and/or disappoints some of you when I can't explain this to you personally OR via email or facebook. Sometimes it's just because none of you ask what's going on. And I'm sorry for that, but you wanting to know what's going on won't change how I can tell you. Not saying not to care. Goodness, if none of you cared about me enough to ask what's going on and didn't ever stop until I would tell you, I would have so much bottled up. So much. And yes, it would slowly start taking over even more than it is now.

But right's beginning that long slow process of fading away. Losing it's grip on me, light is slowly breaking forth.

And as I see a tiny bit of sunshine through my window as I write this...I feel a bit of peace on the situation. Although I continue to fear the shadows, I have the assurance that it won't always be like that. The clouds will move, the sun will break forth.

Holding on to hope, hanging from a moment, trusting...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

what hurts the most.

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." -1 Peter 5:7

Today was... interesting.

I started my day waking up at about 8 to still clouds and cold raininess, and now as I look outside it's sunny and beautiful and warm. And I wish I was outside. I wish I was out sketching the trees, taking photographs of the beautiful shadows of the grass against the fences, and feeling the warmth of the sun.

But above all, I wish I was feeling closer to God and escaping these dark feelings that are starting to take over.

But instead, I remain in here, with anxiety and regret on my heart, thus writing this.

All this morning and afternoon I spent the day with a friend, my mom, my sister and her friend shopping near Seattle to blow all our babysitting money and to just enjoy freedom from school and spring break. It was beautiful out there, me and my friend found perfect graduation dresses, but as we drove home we hit rain, hail, snow, more rain, and finally-sunshine.

Although today was finally turning out to be gorgeous, there's still a cloudy shadow casting it's way over my heart.

I don't forget.

Just last night I was explaining to my sister that mistakes can me made by fully trusting people again that have hurt you before. My sister hasn't quite learned that yet, and I explained to her that I forgive(at's hard), but I have a problem forgetting-thus keeping me from trusting the same people again. I choose my friends carefully, and in essence, God chooses them for me. I've given away my will power for choosing friends, or choosing how I'm going to respond in a situation to God.

He controls my life, He writes my story. Hence the pencil on my ceiling.

Not sure if any of you are remembering this, but any of you that have been in my room have noticed the pencil that's taped just above my bed on my ceiling. No, not to fall down and stab my eye out in the middle of the night on some unfortunate evening. I actually taped it up there right after a really weird time in my life that I finally figured out and grasped that God writes my story.
Writes...pencil. Hence, I taped it up to remind me.

It's funny how many of you have been to my house, been in my room, have seen the pencil, asked me about it, and I said..."Uhh, it's complicated..." or "It's just there randomly" which is totally NOT true. At all. So for all of you that have never figured out that mystery...there's your answer.

But what happened yesterday cannot be re-done. You can't tap two red sparkly shoes together and chant "There's no place like home" and be snatched out of that horrible nightmare you've been sucked into. You can't have some magical time machine in your closet and re-do how you responded in a situation or what you let out of your mouth in the previous hour.

You can't.

And realizing that sooner in life definitely helps relinquish a sort of jumbled feeling about what you're going to do, and not being sucked into dwelling on what's already been done. There's no turning back. You can't fix anything that's already been done. Which in my world, is one of the most worst and difficult things.

So in retrospect, I'm not sure which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you hadn't, or saying nothing and wishing you had.

Both of those things have had a horrible grasp on my life, and have sparked regrets that I fear will always be there. Always.

Honestly, this is what's been on my mind for the past months. And if you've asked me what's wrong in these past few months out of concern or curiosity, I've either used the cop out "It's to hard to explain" or "Nothing. I'm fine." and did the usually routine of faking a smile and a laugh.

And honestly(again), I think this is one of the most depressing posts, or most depressing and hardest THINGS I've ever had to write out. But it's true.

And you all know this already, but I guess one reason of me writing this out is so that you guys can somewhat get what's going on in my head lately if I'm too scared to tell you in person.

Which doesn't make sense at ALL, because I love you all to death, am so blessed to have you in my life, and I know that God is using you everyday in my life to shape me into the person that I'm becoming and already am...but I get scared.
I let emotions take control, and I use cop outs. And I'll never be able to figure out or grasp the fact why all of you care so much. Like...I don't know. It's weird, but I haven't really thought anyone has cared that much to actually ask me what's been going on lately. And I know for a fact(unfortunately), that if none of you talk to me full on about this and still ask me how I am, I'll still lie about it. I'll "save" you from listening to me drone on about my feelings, or I'm just too scared to do so.

So I guess this is an apology. Actually, there's no guessing, because it is.

I haven't been honest with most of you, and I don't like not being honest. At all. So...I'm sorry. Like I said, I love you all so much, but I've been using cop outs way more recently to cover all this up. Which yes, sometimes it's hard to share, but I feel like some of it I definitely should share.

I can't change anything that I said yesterday, I can't change anything I said 2 hours ago, and I can't change anything that I said 2 years ago the Thursday before Thanksgiving Break. I can't. And that's that.

And I'm totally not writing this to make you all depressed, or to be worried about me, because frankly, I don't need attention. The main point of this post is to let you all know what's going on, those of you that care that much anyways, and to apologize. Because I love you.

I love having long deep conversations with you, I love when you ask me what's wrong and don't give up until I give you a legitimate answer, I love how you care and how I just noticed you were there this past year. I love talking with you till 11 or 12 at night about who knows what until we get reprimanded by our mothers to get the heck off the the computer:) , and I love just talking with you in general.
Face to face, to be specific. You certainly don't get everything off facebook, people. :)

You mean the world to me. And you probably haven't realized that fully, so...I'm hoping now you do.

Here's to hoping your Wednesday wasn't as confusing as mine.

Friday, April 1, 2011

inspirations, new faces, spring has sprung.

Ahhh. The joys of a new blog post(and adding random pictures to them. ha).
Some of you may be thinking, "Where have you been!? I thought you fell off the face of the Earth..." or something along those which, I apologize to those who follow my blog and have been deprived of my..."useful" writings. Even though I doubt any of you would die without me writing, I know it's been a long while since I've been on here due to dreadful amount of final quarter homework and projects and some other things.

These past weeks, well, really this whole past month of March have been absolutely amazing. A little snapshot of summer filled with a couple days of sun, many days of rain, and days of friends and laughter. (: And since all of the above are some of my favorite things in this fast spinning world, yes, this month totally rocked.

And today starts Spring Break. Praise the Lord, it's finally here! (: Our school withstood tons of final quarter projects, assignments, papers, classes, etc. to get here. And it's finally arrived in all of it's glory. 1 week of sleeping in, trying to get some friends to abduct me, and praying for some sunshine to compliment some photo shoots that will hopefully work out this week. (: Spring has sprung.

Which means only a quarter left till summer!!!

Along with all that loveliness, in algebra we finally passed our dreadful chapter of death and hard-core algebra 1(which I think is slightly unfair considering we're legitimately taking a PRE-algebra course...). YES. Seriously, those couple weeks of doing that chapter I was close to throwing myself against a wall and throwing my textbook across the room(which I did a couple time, only to be scolded by my lovely teacher and entertained friends). That, plus an assignment a day, tests, quizzes, and whole shabang...yes, what a lovely course.

So we're done. For now, anyways. For now we're moving on to some geometry, which is in my opinion far more easy and far more worth while than finding the value of x.

As far as inspirations...I have the strongest yet oddest feeling that this spring and summer will be full of inspirations.

As one of the pre-project/papers of our hardcore "Perspectives" project for graduation, this past week we had to write a paper on the people in our lives that are our greatest influences and inspirations. At first it was really hard for me to think about-who inspires me the most? Who makes an impact on my life?

Well, as a preview of some later posts that will hopefully be established on half of this enormous project, I'll say that everyone who follows this blog is somewhat included in this project(unless you're some random person who stumbled across this who I don't know, sorry, doesn't quite apply). (:

A large portion of this project is to be written and created pertaining our lives, our memories, our friends, those who have made the biggest impact on me, and those who I love the most. And yes, all of you have seemed to fit the qualifications in one way or another. (:

Lately I've been longing for summer more and more, as are most of you who are reading this. So things related to summer are oddly captivating my mind and inspiring me. Sunshine, the ocean, lemonade and iced tea in mason jars(yes, totally got this inspiration from Reney),the sand in my toes, the feeling of freedom. Yeah. It's gonna be good. (:

Aside from this summer, and from posts off other blogs I follow, I've been thinking a lot about the future as well. Graduation, high school, summer, family, friends, etc.
And as I openly discuss with my family me wanting to get out of Anacortes some day and travel the world and write&take pictures about what I see, I can't help but see a repeated pattern.

But don't get me wrong-to me, Anacortes will always be the most beautiful place in the world. I've lived here since I was born, and since I was 1 I've been in this same house...I love it here. The mountains, the ocean, the rainfall, the sunshine, the tulips...but after 14 and 1/2 years of this place, and probably even more with every year that passes, I'll be ready to go travel somewhere new and experience new culture and food and write and take pictures on what I see...that's the dream. So don't get me wrong. I love Anacortes. Simple as that.

It's not like they mean it. I know they don't openly crash my dreams on purpose, but anytime I talk about my dreams to my family they don't understand. They act like I'm crazy, ask if I had a little too much caffeine that day(which is sometimes the case), or just simply don't get the picture. They don't come out and say right to my face, "That'll never happen. Settle on something lower." but they seem to imply it more and more. And I dream big, so the more I dream, the more I long to share it with someone. The more I long to find someone that understands what I'm talking about, lie under the stars during a warm summer night, and just talk about what I want to do in the future without confused stares or disapproving glances.

Maybe that's why I love to talk so much. Because I'm so used to not talking about those types of things around my house, I'm totally quick to just start a conversation with someone...that, and I'm just a talker. Social butterfly, if you will. It's a gift and a curse, my lovelies.

New faces. (:
Like I said, this past month has been full of friends, love and laughter. (: And I had the amazing pleasure to hang out with a couple of lovely high school students a couple weekends ago that have become a big part of my life this past year... and break curfew and all that lovely stuff that comes from growing up. (: And I got to meet(well, I guess in retrospect I knew tons about her and talked with her a lot, but I never actually MET her) Reney for the first time, which was amazing to say in the least. (:

To meet someone that has that much in common with you...who dreams big, who loves to talk(yes, I noticed that the moment we left my house, dear... *smiles*) and who loves to be inspired and inspire's an incredible feeling, really. So hanging out with both Reney and Kaili was so much fun, and sort of gave me a snapshot of what my summer will be like, and only made me long for it more.

As of today, our family has done absolutely nothing, watched it rain for 3 hours and then see the sun rays split through the clouds, and I've already watched Tangled twice this weekend...(:

So...spring has sprung, inspirations have begun to keep appearing everywhere around me, and things continue to change along with the world spinning faster than I can catch it.

As for all of you, my inspirations, stay beautiful.