My brother and I had a very interesting conversation this morning during the Easter service of why we say "Happy Easter" and not "He has Risen" or "EASTER!" or "Merry Easter" or all these other insane ideas we thought of as we sat with our stomachs filled with a lovely brunch served by the church and the excitement of...well, something. I'm not quite sure what.
Anyways, I know today's Easter and I already posted today(well, like 20 minutes-ish ago, actually), but since this week should be ridiculously more busy than the last couple weeks have been(if that's even POSSIBLE...goodness) and I haven't legitimately posted about...well, me, lately...I thought I may as well post now, a time that I have free. For those of you that I'm not lucky enough to see enough but I wish that I could.
You know who you are.
No school tomorrow. Because apparently our school honors "Easter Monday" as a holiday. HA. Psh, I'm not complaining. I'll take it. (:
A break. A day to sleep in. Relaxation. We'll see how it goes.
Tomorrow brings...I'm not quite sure what.
Alyse has a dentist appointment at noon that she's freaking out about that I may or may not go along on. Later tomorrow night a potluck involving everyone in the Bible Study that me and a friend have been babysitting the member's kids for every Monday night for the past couple months. Which signifies the closing of Monday nights watching children, drinking way to much tea, and blaring Switchfoot. I'm happy to have a break, but missing out on the tea and Switchfoot...not so much.
So that should be fun. It'll signify the end of this long, interesting, confusing weekend. Which is another story.
Thus launching me into another week of days blending together and days passing by quickly and yet as slow as ever.
I'm not sure what else this week will bring. Schoolwork, no doubt, along with working on a large project for Lit and more on Perspectives. Besides practice! Yay!
Alyse took(and I who have the magic of facebook)a picture of my lovely Snow White costume in all it's glory. It's quite fabulous, actually, and the large yellow skirt portion makes me feel like a princess. But for those of you who don't have the magic of facebook(cough...Reney...cough...Jill...cough) here's a lovely little picture that my sissy took after forcing me into the thing. (:
Cheesy? Yes...fabulous? Oh, YES! I love it. I love love love it. It shall be magnificent, although before the performance I shall probably get a large case of the butterflies like I normally do, it shall be lovely and fun and amazing.
I'll remind those of you who are interested in me singing opera and looking like a giant yellow traffic cone...
May 16th. 6:30pm. MVCHS Commons. Yay. (:
Along with that...this week should bring(and pass) another week before summer. YES. I believe after this week it will be...5 weeks? 6? Not sure. I know Reney has a countdown and I get out pretty close to you, Ren, so I'm not sure what number of weeks you're at. But it's soon. (:
If we're rounding off the days...we have roughly 1 and 1/2 months left of school.
I'm SO excited. This summer will bring so much along with the fall.
It's like I've reached that point in my life where I'm ready to turn the page, to start a new chapter.
I like change. Sometimes. I guess that's how it is with everything, but sometimes I like change. This would definitely qualify. After a while of the same thing, you're ready for something new and hopefully exciting, yes?
I'm ready to be done with 8th grade, I'm ready for summer, everything that comes with summer, and furthermore, freshman year.
I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm terrified.
Mixed emotions, honestly.
But it'll be great. I know it.
If I never had to face anything new, what would I be?
Ha. I'd still be a toddler, no doubt. I wouldn't be walking, I'd still be in diapers, I probably wouldn't be able to talk(which would be tragic, I agree).
You get the picture. If you don't ever try(or are forced into, rather) something new, you'd be right where you started. Which would be... kinda of tragic, actually.
I often think about what it would be like if I could flip the hour glass of life upside down an reverse the clock, click the rewind button. Yeah, there are totally instances where I wish I could, and I know for a fact that some of you wish the same thing. In fact, I've heard it from many of your own mouths.
But think about this. If I did reverse the clock before middle school, before elementary, or before some horrid instances that took place in one of those years, I would miss so. much.
I wouldn't know and love half of you, I probably never would, I wouldn't have learned or went through the hard lessons that are practically necessary for life...
I wouldn't have grown. I would be right back to where I started.
And that's why I praise God for where I am. What I have. Who I have and know and love. Who I AM.
Because I know although at the moment it may be hard and ridiculous, it's for my good(Romans 8:28. One of my favorites).
I'm blessed. Enormously.
And I know that it's been really difficult seeing that in the last weeks that make up April...but it's times like tonight where I see a clearing through this storm.
I like where I am. I like where I'm going.
At times I won't(obviously), but...I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
Why worry about tomorrow? Today has enough trouble of it's own.
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