Ahhh. The joys of a new blog post(and adding random pictures to them. ha).
Some of you may be thinking, "Where have you been!? I thought you fell off the face of the Earth..." or something along those lines...in which, I apologize to those who follow my blog and have been deprived of my..."useful" writings. Even though I doubt any of you would die without me writing, I know it's been a long while since I've been on here due to dreadful amount of final quarter homework and projects and some other things.
These past weeks, well, really this whole past month of March have been absolutely amazing. A little snapshot of summer filled with a couple days of sun, many days of rain, and days of friends and laughter. (: And since all of the above are some of my favorite things in this fast spinning world, yes, this month totally rocked.
And today starts Spring Break. Praise the Lord, it's finally here! (: Our school withstood tons of final quarter projects, assignments, papers, classes, etc. to get here. And it's finally arrived in all of it's glory. 1 week of sleeping in, trying to get some friends to abduct me, and praying for some sunshine to compliment some photo shoots that will hopefully work out this week. (: Spring has sprung.
Which means only a quarter left till summer!!!
Along with all that loveliness, in algebra we finally passed our dreadful chapter of death and hard-core algebra 1(which I think is slightly unfair considering we're legitimately taking a PRE-algebra course...). YES. Seriously, those couple weeks of doing that chapter I was close to throwing myself against a wall and throwing my textbook across the room(which I did a couple time, only to be scolded by my lovely teacher and entertained friends). That, plus an assignment a day, tests, quizzes, and whole shabang...yes, what a lovely course.
So we're done. For now, anyways. For now we're moving on to some geometry, which is in my opinion far more easy and far more worth while than finding the value of x.
As far as inspirations...I have the strongest yet oddest feeling that this spring and summer will be full of inspirations.
As one of the pre-project/papers of our hardcore "Perspectives" project for graduation, this past week we had to write a paper on the people in our lives that are our greatest influences and inspirations. At first it was really hard for me to think about-who inspires me the most? Who makes an impact on my life?
Well, as a preview of some later posts that will hopefully be established on half of this enormous project, I'll say that everyone who follows this blog is somewhat included in this project(unless you're some random person who stumbled across this who I don't know, sorry, doesn't quite apply). (:
A large portion of this project is to be written and created pertaining our lives, our memories, our friends, those who have made the biggest impact on me, and those who I love the most. And yes, all of you have seemed to fit the qualifications in one way or another. (:
Lately I've been longing for summer more and more, as are most of you who are reading this. So things related to summer are oddly captivating my mind and inspiring me. Sunshine, the ocean, lemonade and iced tea in mason jars(yes, totally got this inspiration from Reney),the sand in my toes, the feeling of freedom. Yeah. It's gonna be good. (:
Aside from this summer, and from posts off other blogs I follow, I've been thinking a lot about the future as well. Graduation, high school, summer, family, friends, etc.
And as I openly discuss with my family me wanting to get out of Anacortes some day and travel the world and write&take pictures about what I see, I can't help but see a repeated pattern.
But don't get me wrong-to me, Anacortes will always be the most beautiful place in the world. I've lived here since I was born, and since I was 1 I've been in this same house...I love it here. The mountains, the ocean, the rainfall, the sunshine, the tulips...but after 14 and 1/2 years of this place, and probably even more with every year that passes, I'll be ready to go travel somewhere new and experience new culture and food and write and take pictures on what I see...that's the dream. So don't get me wrong. I love Anacortes. Simple as that.
It's not like they mean it. I know they don't openly crash my dreams on purpose, but anytime I talk about my dreams to my family they don't understand. They act like I'm crazy, ask if I had a little too much caffeine that day(which is sometimes the case), or just simply don't get the picture. They don't come out and say right to my face, "That'll never happen. Settle on something lower." but they seem to imply it more and more. And I dream big, so the more I dream, the more I long to share it with someone. The more I long to find someone that understands what I'm talking about, lie under the stars during a warm summer night, and just talk about what I want to do in the future without confused stares or disapproving glances.
Maybe that's why I love to talk so much. Because I'm so used to not talking about those types of things around my house, I'm totally quick to just start a conversation with someone...that, and I'm just a talker. Social butterfly, if you will. It's a gift and a curse, my lovelies.
New faces. (:
Like I said, this past month has been full of friends, love and laughter. (: And I had the amazing pleasure to hang out with a couple of lovely high school students a couple weekends ago that have become a big part of my life this past year... and break curfew and all that lovely stuff that comes from growing up. (: And I got to meet(well, I guess in retrospect I knew tons about her and talked with her a lot, but I never actually MET her) Reney for the first time, which was amazing to say in the least. (:
To meet someone that has that much in common with you...who dreams big, who loves to talk(yes, I noticed that the moment we left my house, dear... *smiles*) and who loves to be inspired and inspire others...it's an incredible feeling, really. So hanging out with both Reney and Kaili was so much fun, and sort of gave me a snapshot of what my summer will be like, and only made me long for it more.
As of today, our family has done absolutely nothing, watched it rain for 3 hours and then see the sun rays split through the clouds, and I've already watched Tangled twice this weekend...(:
So...spring has sprung, inspirations have begun to keep appearing everywhere around me, and things continue to change along with the world spinning faster than I can catch it.
As for all of you, my inspirations, stay beautiful.
So I'm kind of jealous you've been watching Tangled and now I have to rent it. I also think that we'll have to make iced tea in mason jars, which is a very southern thing... okay, maybe not the mason jars, but you never know. Also, we need to make Cacio e Pepe in a parmesan bowl... it's Italian, so you'll love it and I only know how to make it in theory, so that should be an interesting endeavor. And yeah, I do talk a lot and sometimes I feel bad that I talk so much, so if I'm ever talking TOO much, feel free to tell me to silencio. I need to hear it every now and then. And I'm sure the next few posts that end up on my blog will not help with the whole "longing for summer, it's not here yet" thing... so... you've been given fair warning.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love you. Plain as that. Meeting you was wonderful. Even though I'm pretty sure I accidentally clocked you in the eye when we first met/hugged. So yeah. Sorry about that.
As well you should be. Tangled is offically one of my most favoritest movies EVER, and after only watching it 2 times I already have the lovely songs stuck in my head along with half of the witty banter in the whole movie...our family is already quoting it. (: So yes, you should definitely rent it, especially if you've never seen it before, and let me know what you think.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd love to drink iced tea in mason jars(DUR, that'd be AMAZING!) and make cacio e Pepe in a parmesan bowl, which just made me rather hungry and sounds incredible, dear.
You do talk a lot, but I love it. Because I talk a lot too, and it's lovely meeting one of my own kind. (: lovelovelove
And I'm excited for your posts. I absolutely love to read what you write, so fire up your imagination and wow and/or inspire me. (:
And I'm glad. It'd be terribly awful if I loved you and you didn't love me-just sayin. (:
Meeting you was spectacular, and I'm hoping we get to hang out again soon, if not tons this summer. And frankly I don't really remember if you clocked me in the eye, but it's alright if you did. It was just the joy of the moment that was being looked forward to for months...so it's all good, dear. (:
Love you!