If any of you have noticed or have been following this blog, you shall notice some lovely new changes around it's spaces and it's corners...
After some ever-so-kind prompting and prodding from my sister in Christ, I decided to revamp the whole thing with new fonts, backgrounds, text, information, the whole deal...
I'm going for the summer-warm feeling because I've been looking forward to summer SO MUCH lately, and I know some of you are as well. Also just because my blog obviously needed something new considering it had only been changed twice previously...
It's good to change it up ever so often. :)
Aside from the physical changes, I am indeed changing the focus of this blog.
Although this blog will consist(like it says in, "What's the Story?") of all different glimpses of me, my life, and almost everything that happens to me and I go through... it's also going to begin to portray
and represent the love story between God and me way more than it has.
I'm covered by His grace, set free by Him! My chains are gone. Because of His love, I live.
We're called to do everything of Him and for Him. Live for Him, love for Him.
As it says in Psalm 73: 1-3, "When my soul was embittered, when I was pricked in the heart, I was brutish and ignorant; I was like a beast to You. Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold my right hand."
Throughout everything, no matter how we treat Him or what we do, He will always be with us, continuing to hold our right hand through everything we may ever encounter in this fast spinning world...
We may slip, but He'll never allow us to fall.
After God has done all that for us, died for us, loved us when no one did...how else should we respond other than to give everything up to Him?
So...this blog is the next thing to go. :)
And definitely not "go" in the sense of sadly and remorsefully giving this to Him.
I'm ever so quick to do so! Instead of writing fully about things that are quite pointless and won't impact anyone, why not write about something that could truly help and/or impact someone in their walk with Christ? After all God has done for me...it's the least I could do.
Although it shall remain with it's normal title, you will start to notice my posts changing perspectives a bit.
And yes, of course, for those of you who love a good laugh or are interested in my crazy life and wish to see things from my fast-spinning world while drinking a lovely cup of tea or just procrastinating on homework a bit, no worries. :)
I will keep including plenty of random things and titles that you'll love along with what's happening with me lately.
So we'll see where this goes.
I'm awfully excited for all of these changes...things definitely need to change once in a while.
Countdown to Spring Break: 13 days(counting weekends...)!!! :D
Although this blog will consist(like it says in, "What's the Story?") of all different glimpses of me, my life, and almost everything that happens to me and I go through... it's also going to begin to portray

I'm covered by His grace, set free by Him! My chains are gone. Because of His love, I live.
We're called to do everything of Him and for Him. Live for Him, love for Him.
As it says in Psalm 73: 1-3, "When my soul was embittered, when I was pricked in the heart, I was brutish and ignorant; I was like a beast to You. Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold my right hand."
Throughout everything, no matter how we treat Him or what we do, He will always be with us, continuing to hold our right hand through everything we may ever encounter in this fast spinning world...
We may slip, but He'll never allow us to fall.
After God has done all that for us, died for us, loved us when no one did...how else should we respond other than to give everything up to Him?
So...this blog is the next thing to go. :)
And definitely not "go" in the sense of sadly and remorsefully giving this to Him.
I'm ever so quick to do so! Instead of writing fully about things that are quite pointless and won't impact anyone, why not write about something that could truly help and/or impact someone in their walk with Christ? After all God has done for me...it's the least I could do.
Although it shall remain with it's normal title, you will start to notice my posts changing perspectives a bit.
And yes, of course, for those of you who love a good laugh or are interested in my crazy life and wish to see things from my fast-spinning world while drinking a lovely cup of tea or just procrastinating on homework a bit, no worries. :)
I will keep including plenty of random things and titles that you'll love along with what's happening with me lately.
So we'll see where this goes.
I'm awfully excited for all of these changes...things definitely need to change once in a while.
Countdown to Spring Break: 13 days(counting weekends...)!!! :D
Love this. And you. :) Excited to watch to see what will happen in the future God is bringing to exist in the present. :D