Saturday, March 5, 2011

the beginning of the end.

This last Friday our homeroom teacher got our whole class to settle down (which wasn't easy) so she could talk to us about our next few months as 8th graders.

She didn't say this, but she implied it's "the beginning of the end".

She talked to us about our huge "Perspectives" project coming up. In the project we'll be making a huge tri-fold poster board dealio about ourselves, pictures, dreams, goals, etc.
Aside from that, we'll be writing various papers on our 8th grade year and on ourselves, our relationship with God, and a portion about service. Our presentation will consist of 4 parts, and the week before or after final semester exams we we'll present everything in front of several members of the school board, our homeroom teacher, the elementary and middle school principal, and the HS principal.

Yikes. So as she explained this to all of us... it kinda hit us all that the rubber is finally hitting the road.
We're growing up!
And as I'm prone to say, the world does indeed spin way to much for me to catch it.

We've got like 4 months left of... freedom? Less to worry about?
So in retrospect... March is the beginning of the end of K-8th grade for us.
Aside from these scary presentations, we will also be having 8th graduation, and the 8th grade trip which consists of river rafting plus whatever else our amazing teacher wishes to surprise us with.
So there's tons of stuff to look forward to, tons of stuff to accomplish, and tons of stuff to start in these next few months before summer.

And after summer, the first week of school to be exact, the entire 8th grade class will be embarking on the Freshman Hike. 5 days in the mountains hiking, enjoying the sites, no bathrooms, carrying all of our stuff in backpacks, sleeping under the stars...the whole shabang...sort of like a survival of the fittest type thing. This is meant for...bonding purposes? Yes, I suppose that's what the school thinks it's meant for.
But it'll be fun. It'll be interesting. I'll be challenging. I'm thinking it'll be everything our class needs in more ways than one.

As for right now, I'm enjoying where I am. ;) And HS is definitely gonna rock.
I'm totally blessed with all I have here and now, anyways.
An amazing family that loves and cares about me and I care about them.
A relationship with God my Father who will give up on me or change, no matter how much is changing in my life.
Amazing friends that I can talk to about anything and are always there for me.
And food, water, shelter...all that grand survival stuff. :)

Here's to the next 4 months and so on not being the beginning of the end, but the beginning of...
something new.



  1. If you need help with anything, you let me know Reme! I plan on being the overly obnoxious older sister and definitely think a party is in order to usher in your freshman year. :D

  2. Awww, thank you Ren! I will definitely let you know, and there's bound to be something in the next couple months... lol.
    And yes, I'm thinking a party/movie night would definitely be a blast! :D
