i feel...slightly old. even though most of you who are reading this are most likely older than me by a couple years.
i feel old.
it's one of times where you think it'll never happen, but when it does...it's weird. it's like everything takes a different form around you. you realize you're actually growing up. getting older. one step closer. 3 steps from yesterday.
3 steps from yesterday...hmm.
if i ever form a band, that's definitely the name. :)
latest news...like literally, 10 seconds ago...
mom: RUMOR! well, meaning it might not happen...
me: what?!
mom: they might offer a french course next year:)
if you're still interested in coming to my graduation ceremony and punch/cake afterwords and the viewing-of-boards(best part, yes?), it's tomorrow(thursday) night at 7pm at the church across from school.
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