Nope. We got stuck with the oh-so-fluffy and super dusty snow that can't be compacted, but can very easily be sledded through without much pain. ;)
Because of this, half of the time playing in the snow was really falling in the snow and attempting the climb up the hills to pile 6-7 people on the biggest tube EVER (which we did infact accomplish after an hour, or so). :)
Luckily enough, we could very well tackle whoever we wanted without serious injuries involved. And it was the only day of the year where you could tackle and/or restle anyone without getting in trouble or causing any type of injury. :)
On the way up there we had to stop several times to put on and put on again chains for the bus's tires. Again, meaning after the first time of putting them on, a student sitting in the back was oh-so-kind to mention "Uhhh, there's a trail of chains behind the bus..." followed by a slam on the breaks and a delay of half an hour or so.
One of the times we stopped to chain up the bus we coincidentally stopped in one of the perfect "calender shoot" spots on the whole mountain (included with a babbling brook)! It was absolutely gorgeous, and although they didn't allow us to leave our seats we managed to open a few windows to get some shots of the marvelous spot.
We were stuck in the same spot for a half hour or so, and we were all starving. Not good. Lucky enough for us, we all started random conversations and ended up taking way more pictures than planned. :)
Aside from yesterday, this morning I woke up to one of the most beautiful sites I'd seen in awhile.
6 inches of perfectly white snow, and more that continues to fall for the last 3 hours or so. :)
As a result, no school for the day. No homework, no nothin.
When I woke up, I immediately thought that God knew our class needed way more time to finish the couple assignments (and probably some other students around this area, right?) we got stuck with the night of the retreat, and apparently He indeed thought a day or more would be quite sufficent to eliminate our procrastination. ;)
We're all hoping the snow keeps falling (which is indeed in the forcast, but knowing our weather forcasters...) and that it freezes enough to get us out of school for the rest of the week, which would be oh-so-lovely for students(and probably parents). :)
After an hour or so of waking up and enjoying just watching the snow that, according to my mom, I brought back down from Mt. Baker, I faced the snowglobe of the backyard to get some good shots of things and to just enjoy one of my favorite sites in the world.
My siblings quickly declined coming with me into the cold, but eagerly reminded me not to step all over the yard so that it would stay nice and smooth and new. Thanks, guys.
One of our family's most favorite views in the world? Fresh, untouched snow.
So there was little ol' me still in my pjs with snowboots, hat, huge coat... the whole shabang. All for some pictures and to enjoy the beauty of God's creation for a few minutes. And it was amazing. I felt like I was in the midst of one of God's most glorious creations, in His midst.
It was the most incredibly things I'd ever witnessed and experienced.So, if you're like my siblings and have yet to go explore outside or even get off the couch, I would strongly encourage you to take a chance with getting wet and cold and go enjoy the scene God put out for us today. :)
Here's to hoping the snow continues to fall in glorious amounts and that procrastination on well, everything, will end eventually or sometime today, anyways...
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