Actually, I had absolutely no idea in my right mind what to call this blog. Since I was going to incorporate a whole host of random of whimsy things into it including pictures, videos, favorite songs, lyrics, poems, and interesting things that happen, I really couldn't come up with anything solid that had to do with all that.
In the end, I got the idea "A Glimpse of..." to go with all the glimpse's of me and my life you'll see in this blog.
"A Glimpse of..." hope, love, laughter, randomness, life...etc.
I love to write, so naturally, you'll get tons out of this to read and hopefully enjoy.
I'll be writing about what I love, what I hate, my favorite things, my struggles, my victories, and my triumphs in my walk with God.
Aside from all that, this blog will basically be a huge treasury of randomness or whatever I feel like I want to share with y'all at the time. And if any of you follow the other blog that I'm involved in, some of the posts off that one may or may not end up here... so don't feel too jacked, my mind can only think up so much. :)
I'll most likely won't be blogging every day, but definitely at least once a week, so keep a look out for new, random, crazy, and whimsy things.
So buckle up, and please keep your hands, arms, and legs in the vehicle at all times.
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